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Pride Foundation Australia Board Members x2 - First Nations (Voluntary)

Pride Foundation Australia

We are currently looking for 2 new members who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. This will be very important to guide us in our new direction of funding LGBTIQA+ First Nations work over the next few years.

We are in the very early stages of this process. Our steps at this stage look like this:

  • Interview prospective applicants to the 2 board positions
  • Appoint the 2 positions
  • Convene a board strategic planning workshop to set our purpose in this new area and initial engagement strategy for national consultations

The commitment would at the least be attending our board meetings via zoom for 90 minutes every 6 weeks (Monday evenings) and attending the planning workshop – likely at a weekend again via zoom.

About Pride Foundation Australia

Pride Foundation Australia (PFA) is a national philanthropic foundation specifically focused on funding lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual and other (LGBTQIA+) community issues in Australia.

A position description is attached.

The Foundation actively works to increase philanthropic support for the Australian LGBTQIA+ and allied communities through fundraising, grant giving, collaboration and commissioning projects.

Pride Foundation Australia has a dedicated focus on advancing equity for the most disadvantaged LGBTQIA+ Australians, including advocating for systemic change and LGBTQIA creative arts.

How to apply

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