the opportunity
CTBMCLC offers a dynamic workplace where well-being is promoted, and flexibility supported. CTBMCLC staff and Board share a commitment to social justice, we respect diversity and we value the strengths and abilities of our communities with whom we work. We value collaboration, flexibility, integrity, respect and initiative.
We use Actionstep as our case management system, MS365 and teams calling.
We prioritise our services to those most in need, in accordance with the priority groups in the National Legal Assistance Partnership Agreement.
People from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background are strongly encouraged to apply.
about your role
This position could be based in Orange or Katoomba with attendance at Local Court ADVO list days required, in addition to attending outreach locations. This is a fixed term parental leave position for 12 months, 3 days a week.
You will be supported and trained by experienced lawyers. We practice with a trauma informed as well as domestic violence informed lens, focussing on practical advice and assistance, working with people where they are at and following the lead of clients who are the experts in their own lives.
You will also work closely with our community partners at refuges, women's health centres, neighbourhood centres, counsellors, other community agencies and specialist CLCs in order to achieve substantial outcomes for clients.
You will:
- Attend Local Court ADVO list days in our region working in conjunction with the Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service. This will include representing female defendants in ADVO proceedings where they have been misidentified as the primary aggressor.
- Provide advice and casework for clients who have experienced violence and abuse.
- Have the opportunity to grow your family law experience representing clients at legally assisted mediations.
- Work on Law reform projects and develop and deliver community legal education activities aimed at building the capacity of community workers and raising awareness of the law and legal system within the general public.
Please note that this role involves working with confronting subject matter and working with traumatised, and at times, highly distressed, clients. For this reason, in addition to internal debriefing and support, we provide external supervision paid for by the centre, on work time.
We also prioritise services to Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples committing to providing a service within 48 hours of contacting the centre.
Staff are encouraged and supported to attend CLCNSW events and as well as other training and conferences and to participate in CLCNSW networks and working groups.
Key responsibilities
- All aspects of legal service delivery including representation, advocacy, casework and advice
- Manage your file load autonomously
- Building and maintaining relationships with other legal and non-legal service providers
- Participation in community legal education programs
Key entitlements
The position is graded at SCHADS grade 7, with above award conditions from our Enterprise Agreement, including:
- Award rates of pay are based on a full-time employee working 38 hours per week whereas full time Employees engaged by the CTBMCLC have the benefit of equal pay for a 35 hour work week.
- Salary sacrifice up to $15900 p.a ( FBT year is 1 April to 31 March)
- Meal and Entertainment card
- 4 weeks Annual Leave p.a. with leave-loading bonus of 17.5% of the gross salary for the period of leave
- Generous 2 weeks leave during centre closure over Christmas/new year in addition to 4 weeks annual leave
- Time in lieu
- 5 days special leave days
- 5 days Compassionate Leave
- Pay point award increases automatically applied
- Cost of practising certificate paid for by the centre
The position description and selection criteria are attached.
For enquiries about the position please contact CEO, Arlia Fleming on 4704 0203 or [email protected] using the subject line: Solicitor - Orange / Katoomba enquiry via EthicalJobs.
Selection Criteria
These are tasks/education/experience specific requirements, which the candidate must have in order to carry out the position:
- Hold, or be eligible for, a NSW Practising Certificate, ideally with 2 years post admission experience.
- Demonstrated understanding and commitment to the philosophy of community legal centres, the promotion of human rights, social justice and meeting the legal needs of socially and economically disadvantaged people and groups.
- Experience, or ability to quickly acquire knowledge, in at least two or more of the following areas of law: victims of crime, domestic/family violence, sexual assault, family law, care and protection, employment law, credit and debt, tenancy/housing law.
- Ability to identify and understand both legal and non-legal issues facing socially and economically disadvantaged members of the community, particularly in relation to family and domestic violence and sexual assault.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills including demonstrated ability to communicate and negotiate effectively with clients, other parties, government and community organisations.
- Completion of Aboriginal specific cultural safety training or be willing to undertake cultural safety training.
- Computer literacy.
- Hold a current NSW driver’s licence and be willing to travel to rural areas.
- Experience working in a community legal centre or knowledge of the sector
- Experience in community legal education
- A willingness to undertake other training as identified or required.
- Experience with Apple Mac computers, Actionstep, MS365 including Sharepoint and Teams.
next steps
To submit your application, click Apply Now.
For enquiries please contact Arlia Fleming on 02 4704 0203.
A position description is attached.