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Campaigns and Communications Director - Flexible Location

Change the Record


  • Employment Status: Part or full time, 2 year fixed term contract with the prospect of ongoing contract.
  • Salary: $95,000 per annum (depending on experience), plus superannuation
  • Location: Any location if candidates is prepared to work from home, otherwise Sydney, Melbourne or Adelaide (office space available, Covid-19 restrictions permitting)
  • Reporting to: Change the Record Executive Officer
  • This is an identified position for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander candidates


Change the Record is Australia’s only national Aboriginal led justice coalition of Aboriginal peak bodies and non-Aboriginal allies. We work to end the incarceration of, and family violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Everything we do is strength-based, culturally focused and grounded in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination.

Our vision is an Australia in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are self-determined, strong in culture and thriving in communities.

We want to see governments closing rather than opening prisons, supporting and investing in Aboriginal-led solutions and holistic approaches, and being held accountable for injustices.

We want to see communities get real justice from systems or processes which are fair and Aboriginal-led; individuals and systems are free from racism, discrimination, family violence and systemic inequality.


You will work closely with the Change the Record Executive Officer to design and lead our communications, campaigning and community-building/engagement efforts to grow a movement of supporters who are able to take action and effect change. As our team grows you will be responsible for managing junior campaign staff.

We believe that we need to mobilise our community in support of action if we are going to convince decision-makers to change discriminatory laws and invest in community-driven solutions. Your job is to lead this work. You are passionate and committed to achieving real justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, especially through tackling the causes of criminalisation, over-incarceration, and systemic racism in the justice system. You are also committed to addressing the causes of family violence. You are self-motivated, skilled in strategic thinking, committed to working with a variety of different organisations and people in the movement and have a genuine commitment to community-driven change.

Working in a small team, you will:

  • Manage CTR’s online and offline campaigns including identifying opportunities for campaigns and working with the EO to design and implement
  • Work with the Executive Officer to identify, respond to and create media opportunities
  • Manage junior campaign staff
  • Focus on key priority campaigns identified in the Operational Plan including Raise the Age (and working with the Raise the Age Coalition (a coalition of organisations including Change the Record which works on the raise the age campaign) on priorities such as establishing a Youth Advisory Committee to the campaign, managing high profile ambassadors, developing a supporter journey for signatories to our petition etc.)
  • Design and maintain supporter journeys for CTR’s 20,000 supporters
  • Manage and engage with CTR’s 350 regular donors to maintain their engagement in a regular giving program
  • Draft supporter communications copy and website copy
  • Manage social media accounts and generate online content

Working with Change the Record members, you will:

  • Develop and maintain strong partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations, as well as other key stakeholders including governments, industry and community organisations
  • Investigate ways to build our supporter base and engagement, including through campaign actions and engaging volunteers
  • Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with lived experience of the justice system and family violence, as critical change-makers, to be involved in our work and have their voices heard
  • Create and communicate a vision that reimagines the justice & family violence systems with evidence-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led solutions that focus on investment into alternative pathways and solutions to imprisonment
  • Grow our capacity, resources and membership, making sure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and people are centred at every stage
  • Represent the Change the Record Campaign at meetings, seminars and conferences
  • Other duties consistent with the above, as negotiated with the EO.

This position description outlines the proposed duties and responsibilities of the position. These will be reviewed on a regular basis with the position holder and are subject to change according to the needs and priorities of the Change the Record Campaign. Change the Record is committed to investing in our team to grow the future leaders of our organisation and movement. We are committed to professional development and to working with you to identify your professional goals and aspirations and working towards achieving them.


The successful candidate should have at least 2 years of professional experience in campaigns, communications and/or stakeholder management roles. In addition, you will be required to demonstrate your ability to meet the following criteria:

  • High level understanding of Indigenous rights and social justice issues, including systemic racism impacting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities
  • Able to engage in respectful communication and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, organisations, communities
  • Experience and knowledge in leading campaigns (including campaign research, design, implementation and evaluation) and working in coalitions and/or across multiple organisations
  • Proven ability to work with a high degree of autonomy and limited supervision
  • Work effectively with a diverse range of stakeholders, including through utilising strong consultation skills
  • Produce effective documentation and communications for use in media, social media, campaign emails and other channels


  • Experience designing and leading national campaigns
  • Strong understanding of state, territory and Federal parliamentary systems and levers for change
  • Experience in digital campaigning including growing online supporters and mobilising supporters to take online and offline action
  • Experience in election campaigning and getting commitments and outcomes from political parties across the spectrum
  • A desire to develop and grow your skills and work with an organisation like Change the Record in the long term
  • Ability to promote greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being

To submit your application, click Apply Now. 

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This job ad has now expired, and applications are no longer being accepted.
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