Remote / Work From Home
With an eye for detail and high level administrative skills you will take up part time job share position till March 2025, hybrid work.
> Lilydale
Think differently to solve complex problems. Working with young people in out of home care to provide targeted support that prevents entry into residential care.
> Box Hill
Join the states leading provider in the fastest growing sector of out of home care, kinship care. Support children and young people to stay with family. Based at Box Hill.
> Werribee
We have a full time permanent role at The Orange Door, Family Violence Hub available now- with a focus on child wellbeing, based at Werribee.
> Collingwood
3 days per week. Flexibility to work hybrid. An exceptional team guiding, strengthening & supporting employees to maximise development and growth.
2 x full time or part time roles until February 2025. Deliver a range of interventions aimed at improving outcomes for vulnerable families. Based at Lilydale.
> Preston
Are you ready to make a move and make your mark at one of Victoria's leading community services employers? A permanent EA role based at Preston.
Are you looking for men's Family Violence work? Opportunity to join our team of highly skilled Men's Behaviour Change Program facilitators 1 night per week, 5pm-10pm.
Regional VIC
> Morwell
The program involves members of the community, parishes, the Diocese of Gippsland and Anglicare Victoria working closely together with a shared responsibility to care for those in need.